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Three Tips for a Healthy Heart in the Home!

February is American Heart Month!

While you should be monitoring your heart’s health every month, February is a good time to get into a daily routine to ensure you are making good choices to protect your heart!

Check out these tips to ensure you are making good choices to preserve your heart’s health in your home:

  1. Get Moving: Whether it’s a ten minute walk, or a dance party in the living room, regular physical activity can help your lose excess weight, improve physical fitness, lower heart disease factors, manage high blood pressure, and lower stress! If you work out at home, take your home workout space to the next level with tips from The Cleaning Authority!
  2. A Colorful, Nutritious Plate: Eat heart healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, protein-rich foods - eggs, lean meats, fish, and more - as well as whole grains and low dairy foods. If you don’t know where to start – we suggest cleaning out and re-organizing your fridge so you have optimal room for a wide variety of nutritious foods!
  3. Sleep: According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, it’s important for adults to get 7-9 hours of high-quality sleep. A major factor of high-quality sleep is the comfort and cleanliness of your pillows, bedding, and mattress. Check out some suggested tips and tricks for cleaning and caring for your bedding here!

Once you are done making these changes in the home, get out of the house and spend time doing the things you love!

Let us take care of the cleaning for you – visit to set up an estimate for your home today!