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How to Incorporate The Cleaning Authority Into Your Valentine's Day!

Picking the perfect Valentine’s Day gift can be a complicated task; your idea of a perfect Valentine’s Day date could be dinner at a nice restaurant, whereas their idea is a physical gift or a gesture that acknowledges just how much they mean to you.

These differences can be attributed to the five love languages, a concept identified and developed by Dr. Gary Chapman in 1995, who identifies five ways people give and receive love. These five languages are:

  1. Words of Affirmation
  2. Acts of Service
  3. Receiving Gifts
  4. Quality Time
  5. Physical Touch

No matter which love language your partner (or you!) identifies with the most - the gift of a cleaning - whether it’s a one-time cleaning, gift certificate for a special occasion coming up, or standing weekly cleans – we’re here to help you incorporate our services into your special holiday.

Words of Affirmation

If your partner values verbal acknowledgements of affection, use one of our cleaning themed e-cards to express just how much you appreciate them!

Acts of Service – Let your loved one know you’ve noticed how hard they’ve been working lately, and you want to take one more thing off their plate (especially if it’s a chore they don’t enjoy – like cleaning the toilet or mopping the floors!) To set up a free online estimate, visit!

Receiving Gifts – You’ve done the routine of flowers, chocolates, and a romantic evening out that make your special someone smile. This year – give them something different – and they’ll be talking about long after the holiday is over! Give the gift of a gift certificate to The Cleaning Authority.

Quality Time – When you schedule a cleaning from The Cleaning Authority, you’re freeing up time for you to spend quality time with your significant other. Our suggestion? Plan a romantic night in the kitchen where you can try a new recipe. The best part: leave the mess for us to take care of!

Physical Touch – While the point of physical touch is typically between you and your partner, we wanted to take this one hands-on! Our professional housecleaners will make sure we touch every spot in your home, including those hard-to-reach spots you’ve been meaning to get to, but just don’t have the time or effort! Check out our Detail Clean Rotation System for an extensive list of every nook and cranny we hit with our detailed cleans!

However you choose to spend your Valentine’s Day, we hope to help you sweep your special someone off their feet! To set up an estimate, visit or call (888) 658-0659.
