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We Asked. You Answered. What Areas Do You Forget to Clean in Your Home?

At The Cleaning Authority, we love spring. Warm weather, flowers blooming, and most importantly,… it’s Spring Cleaning season!

With Spring Cleaning in full swing, we started to wonder what areas the average homeowner forgets to clean in their home. So, we put out a national survey asking homeowners what areas they most often overlook when cleaning. We also surveyed our cleaning experts across North America to see the areas they believe to be most overlooked, based on what they notice before beginning service in a home.

The results of the survey showed that nearly 30% of homeowners forget to clean ceiling fans and light fixtures, while 50% of cleaning experts said most baseboards go untouched.

The Cleaning Authority's CFO testimonial

Additionally, we found that curtains, blinds, and behind the toilet are among the areas most people intentionally avoid cleaning, with more than 50% of consumers saying they skip over these spots because cleaning them is too difficult or not a priority.


Are you one of the many who neglect these areas? Check out our tips to help make cleaning these often forgotten spots easier!


The quickest method for removing dust from baseboards is to use the brush attachment on your vacuum. To remove any scuffmarks, gently scrub the baseboards with a cleaning sponge like a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.


A simple way to freshen up curtains in between washes is to use a vacuum. Use the vacuum’s brush extension to remove any dust or debris from the curtains.


Grab a pair of tongs, wrap two microfiber cloths around them and fasten with rubber bands. Clasp the tongs around each blind and drag across to remove dust.

Ceiling Fan

Instead of using a rag to clean the fan, try using a pillowcase. Slip it in between the fan blades and swipe one at a time. You can then just throw your pillowcase into the washing machine.

Behind the toilet

Given the hard to reach crevices and grout lines located behind the toilet, it’s beneficial to purchase an extendable scrubber. This eliminates any back strain or bruised knees from trying to fit behind the toilet. When using the scrubber, dip into a solution of warm water, ¼ cup vinegar and 1 tablespoon of dish soap for a thorough clean.

Want to make Spring Cleaning even easier? When you hire The Cleaning Authority, we’ll make sure your home remains at the optimal level of detail-clean. So, when Spring Cleaning comes around, you can focus your energy on organizing instead of cleaning. Visit The Cleaning Authority today to receive you’re a quick and easy online estimate.

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