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Quick Holiday Party Cleanup

We all love a party, but what we don’t love… is cleaning up after it’s over. Cleaning up could take even longer than the time spent enjoying the party.

We’ve prepared some tips to help you ensure you’re not spending the whole next day cleaning up after your fun party.

Menu with fork and knife

Consider the Menu

Picking messy foods could lead to… well… a mess. Keep things simple and clean to avoid any big spills!

Trash and recycling cans

Strategically Place Trash Cans and Recycling Bins

Keep a few extra trash cans around where the bulk of the party is taking place. Your guests will be more likely to throw out their paper plates or drink cans if they’re close. Otherwise, you’ll be dealing with piles of these items on tables instead.

Table cloth

Use Tablecloths

All you need to do to clean table surfaces is uncover the table and either throw the tablecloth in the washer or the trash if it’s disposable.

Stacked dishes

Make Sure Your Dishwasher is Empty Beforehand

Cleaning up dishes will be quicker if you don’t have to deal with items already in the dishwasher.

Party decor

Go Easy on the Decorations

We love feeling festive, but sometimes that could lead to going overboard. The more decorating you do, the more you need to clean up later.


Kids Activities

Will you have a few kiddos joining the festivities? Stay away from messy arts and crafts project and focus more on games that are easy to clean up.

Man with coat

Designate a Coat Room

Having all of your guests put their coats and any other personal belongings in one place will be a huge help to ensure nothing is forgotten by your guests. Otherwise, you might spend the next day picking up all of the items left behind.

Helpful people

Accept Help

You’re bound to have a few friends or family members who will offer to help stay and clean up. Take them up on it! If they offered, there is no reason to feel like you’re being a burden.

Preparing for a party can be stressful, but when you have a Professional Housecleaning company year-round, it means you don’t need to worry about a big, deep clean leading up to the party. Visit The Cleaning Authority today for a quick and easy online estimate.