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Garbage Disposal Tricks of the Trade

If you have one, your garbage disposal might be the unsung hero of your kitchen. You only notice it when it’s not working, when it smells, or when it’s making an awful noise. The garbage disposal does a lot of heavy lifting, and you might unintentionally be shortening its lifespan!

We talked with our friends at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing, and they shared these tricks of the trade with us.

  • Avoid dumping food waste into the disposal. As a rule, if you can scoop it in your hand, you should place this refuse in the garbage can.
  • Never pour hot oil or grease down any drain. These oils will solidify over time and cause your drain and pipes to clog. Instead, pour the grease into a jar, let it sit to solidify, and then throw it into the trash.
  • A dormant disposal is prone to build up, corrosion, failure, and nasty odors! Use your disposal regularly to avoid this pitfall.

Have a foul odor coming from your garbage disposal? Foul odors can occur from a buildup of food debris within the disposal. Take these steps to eliminate the odors:

  • With the disposal running, introduce ice cubes and orange or lemon rinds in the disposer for about 30 seconds.
  • Flush remaining debris with hot water.

Did you know garbage disposals have a reset button? Generally, these machines have an overload protector that senses if the motor is overheating and will shut off automatically. If this happens to you, follow the manufacturer’s reset instructions in the manual.

If resetting your garbage disposal doesn't remedy the problem, contact your local plumber at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing for assistance. They can install, repair, and help you maintain your garbage disposal for years of use. Give them a call today!