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How to Make Your Bed Like a Pro

We know mornings can be tough. While you’re scrambling to get yourself (and everyone else) ready for the day, the last thing on your mind is making the bed.

But, did you know that making your bed each morning can improve your mood and even make you more productive throughout the day? There are many benefits to making your bed first thing.

Of course, you could take the lazy way out and just pull the covers up to the top of the bed. But, where’s the feeling of accomplishment in that?

Instead, why not make the bed like a true professional. Check out our step-by-step below on how to make your bed like the pros do!

Step 1 If you’re starting with an unmade bed, put the bottom, fitted sheet on the mattress.

Step 2 Place the top sheet over the fitted or bottom sheet, print side down. Make sure the sides are equal.

Step 3 Tuck the sheet snuggly under the mattress at the foot of the bed. Then, tuck the corners of the sheet under the mattress on the long sides, making sure that the folds are flat to make hospital corners.

Step 4 If you like to sleep with a few extra layers of blankets, repeat steps three and four with them.

Step 5 Fold the top sheet back over the blankets at the head of the bed, pulling the sheet back about six inches, and tuck under the side flaps.

Step 6 Place the pillows on top of the blanket and sheets at the head of the bed. You can either lay them flat, or prop them up against the headboard or wall.

Step 7 Place the bedspread, quilt, or comforter on the bed.

Step 8 If you have a bedspread or thin quilt, fold the top of the spread down, lay the pillows on top, then fold the spread back over them, leaving part of the spread tucked under the pillows.

Step 9 Place any remaining decorator pillows neatly over the bed covering.

Now that your bed is in perfect shape, you'll probably want your whole room to be, too. Why do it yourself when you can hire a professional to do it for you? Visit The Cleaning Authority today for a free online estimate.