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Cleaning Hacks for Busy People

When you’re always busy, it’s hard to find time to clean. Unless you really make it a priority, cleaning often gets pushed to the bottom of to-do lists when more “important” things arise. We’ve come up with some tips on how to use your time efficiently and integrate cleaning in your everyday routine.

  1. Put on some upbeat music to get you motivated and cleaning efficiently. Use this playlist to even get your kids helping out!
  2. Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be restricted to the springtime! Take one day to deep clean your house using this checklist to make sure you cover all your bases.
  3. Break up a big task into small parts that you can do in 15-20 minute increments when you have time so that it doesn’t seem so daunting. Here are some tips for how to make the most dreaded chores a little easier.
  4. Don’t forget about your car! Use this list of must-haves to keep your car clean and organized so you won’t have to spend time cleaning a messy car.
  5. Designate a couple hours every week to tidying up and getting things organized. This way, you will never have more than a week’s mess waiting for you at home. If you need help making your own cleaning schedule, check out our weekday chore list to stay on top of everything.
  6. Cooking hacks can save you both time and a messy kitchen. Simplify your cabinets by using efficient appliances and utensils, and invest in tools that will make cooking easier!
  7. Make your bed every morning when you get up, so that if you’ve accomplished little else, at least you’ve made your bed. Check out these five other reasons why you should make your bed every morning!
  8. Declutter often. Getting rid of clutter on a regular basis will make things easier for yourself in the long run. Simplify these other parts of your life to stay organized!

If none of these seem to work for you, hire The Cleaning Authority so you’ll never have to worry about cleaning your home! Visit our website today for a free online estimate.