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Make Spring Cleaning a Game for Your Kids

Spring Cleaning is a time to reorganize and declutter your home. Some look forward to the task and find it refreshing, but for others it is the worst weekend or two of the year. This is most true for children.

So, we took some common kids’ tasks during Spring Cleaning and turned them into games the kids are sure to enjoy!

Family Fashion Show
When it’s time to clean through clothes closets, blast the tunes and make it into a family fashion show. Children (and parents!) can try on all of their clothes to find out what they don’t like anymore or what doesn’t fit. Turn the hallway into a runway and flaunt each outfit off! When you're all done, bring the discarded clothing to a consignment store or donate it to charity.

Race the Clock
Whether it’s cleaning up toys or making the bed, turning cleaning into a race will create some fun and get it done quickly! Use a kitchen timer or smart phone to set the timer for 5 or 10 minutes depending on the activity. Call out “1, 2, 3… GO!” and start the timer. Kids will work quickly to finish the task before the buzzer!

Treasure Hunt
Make a list of items that have wandered into rooms they don’t belong in such as, kids toys in the living room or shoes left in the laundry room. Present the list to your kids as a treasure hunt. Whoever finds the most items and puts them in the proper room wins!

Need more help with keeping your home clean? When you first hire The Cleaning Authority, we spend the first two cleans fully detail cleaning your home. From there, we continue with a careful system that divides your home into four zones and rotates which is deep cleaned. This system ensures your home gets the level of clean it needs at the right frequency.

Visit The Cleaning Authority to find the location nearest to you and get a free online estimate!