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Keep a Clean House With Pets

We love our pets. We also love a clean home. But sometimes, it can be a little tricky to have both.

Do you need some help keeping your home clean from your furry best friend’s mess? Check out these tips to help keep your home clean while your pet enjoys your home.

  1. Even if the couch is off limits for your pet, you know there hair is going to end up on it. And don’t even start with the carpets throughout the home! Luckily, using a squeegee over these areas will quickly and easily remove pet hair from carpets and furniture.
  2. Keep a basket in your home to store your pet’s toys. They won’t be able to clean them up themselves, but you at least have a place to put them away so they’re not all over the floors throughout your home.
  3. Training your dog to go outside or your cat to go in the litter box can be tough. And even once they’re house trained, accidents happen. When you need to clean your carpet from these stains, simply sprinkle baking soda over the area. Then spray it with a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water. You could also add a few drops of lemon essential oil to this solution. Let the area dry, and then vacuum as normal.
  4. Protect furniture from chewing puppies by using baby proof rubber corner guards.
  5. Keep a small trashcan in your backyard to throw away pet waste each time you day your dog out. This will prevent other trashcans from the smell and also keep your yard clean.
  6. Use a mat under your pet’s food and water bowels to keep any spilt water or food contained.
  7. Keeping old towels by the doors in your home will make it quick and easy to wipe muddy paws or soaked fur so it doesn’t get dragged inside after a walk.
  8. Place a mat outside of your cat’s litter box to avoid them dragging litter onto the floor.
  9. Baby proof the closets and cabinets in your home to keep your animals out.
  10. Make sure that all food and snacks are kept far out of reach from your pets to avoid them trying to get to them and causing a big mess. For example, keep it on the top shelf of your pantry and baby proof the door.
  11. If a dog sheds a lot, invest in a high quality brush like a Furminator.
  12. Swiffer every other day to keep your floors clean.
  13. Keep air fresheners around throughout the house to eliminate the “you definitely have a pet” smells.

Once your pet mess is contained, you’ll feel confident hiring a professional housecleaning service without the worry that your pets will just mess it up. Visit The Cleaning Authority today for a free online estimate.