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5 Easy Ways to Organize Your Spice Cabinet

Even in the cleanest kitchen, you’re probably bound to find a messy spice cabinet or shelf in the pantry. With different sized spice jars that are constantly being pulled out and put back, it’s easy to lose order quickly.

When organizing your pantry, working on the spices can be a burden, but once it’s done you will save so much time when you’re cooking. Plus, you’ll know right away when you’re out of a certain spice instead of finding out when you’re in the middle of cooking.

Here are easy ways to organize those seasonings!

  1. Organize spices in sections by kind of food, such as Italian, grilling, Mexican, baking, etc. That way, all the spices you need at one time are together.
  2. It can be hard to organize spices when they’re in different sized and shaped jars. Buy a handful of matching spice jars to store each seasoning in. Don’t forget to label them!
  3. Organizing your seasonings in alphabetical order is another way to help you find the right spice quickly.
  4. Purchase a spice rack or other holder to keep by your stove for your most used spices. That way, they’re easily on hand when you need them.
  5. Take inventory of your spices! There is no sense in keeping the ones you don’t use. Don’t forget to check the expiration dates as well.

Once your spice cabinet is organized and cleaned, you’ll probably want your kitchen to be equally as clean. Visit The Cleaning Authority today for a free online estimate.