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10 Steps to an Organized Pantry

We’ve all been there… you get home from grocery shopping and realize there is no room left in your disorganized pantry. Or, you’re searching like crazy looking for that can of black beans that’s hidden behind bags of chips and pasta sauce.

Are you ready to give your pantry a face-lift? Check out our quick tips to get your pantry perfectly organized.

  1. Before you get started organizing, be sure to clean through your pantry. Throw away any expired items and donate any unexpired items that have gone untouched for three or more months.
  2. Purchase airtight canisters for your flour, white and brown sugar, and rice.
  3. Storage bins will be your best friend when it comes to storing individually packed snacks like chips or cookies.
  4. Purchase a can rack to house your beans, canned veggies, soups, etc. in an efficient way that doesn’t take up too much space.
  5. Place items that you use together next to each other, such as pasta and pasta sauce.
  6. Store fruit and veggies that don’t need to go in the fridge in a wicker basket.
  7. Maximize space with an over the door rack to store smaller items.
  8. Be sure to put kid’s snacks within their reach.
  9. Label as much as you can so you’re not searching for items!
  10. Finally, make sure you put everything away where it belongs on each grocery trip to ensure you’re not stuck reorganizing all over again in a few weeks.

Once your pantry is perfectly clean, you’ll want your whole home to match! Visit The Cleaning Authority today for a free online estimate.
