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10 Easy Hacks to Organize Toys

Sometimes it can feel like the abundance of toys is taking over your house. We’ve come up with ten easy hacks to help you get a handle on the chaos:

  1. Organize toys and label storage bins/drawers according to type, size, or color.
  2. Have a designated toy area, whether it’s in a playroom, family room, or your child’s bedroom. This will keep the toys contained and make clean up much easier so you aren’t picking up toys from every corner of the house.
  3. Store and organize Legos, small dolls, or other small toys in over-the-door shoe organizers.
  4. Store larger items in bins or cubbies
  5. Invest in storage that has more than one purpose, i.e. a bench that opens up or a table with cubbies in the bottom, so that you can make the most of your space.
  6. Limit your child to a specific number of toys that you have space for. When they want a new toy, they’ll have to give up an existing one they don’t use or like as much. This keeps the toy count under control and helps free up space for new toys. Send unwanted toys to charities like Goodwill or your local Salvation Army.
  7. Use a magnetic knife rack to store toy cars.
  8. Recruit your kids to clean up their own toys. Use this playlist to make it more enjoyable!
  9. Running out of shelf space? Use labeled under-the-bed storage bins to keep toys out of sight.
  10. Use a hanging closet organizer to efficiently store board games or other boxed toys.

Once you have your playroom under control, you’ll want the rest of your house to be just as tidy! Visit The Cleaning Authority today for a free online estimate.