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Foolproof Fridge Organization

According to a study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 150,000 tons of food is tossed out across the U.S. each day. Not only is this a waste of money and food, but it also has harsh impacts on the environment.

That volume of food is the equivalent of the yearly use of 30 million acres of land, along with 780 million pounds of pesticide, and 4.2 trillion gallons of water, according to the study. Additionally, rotting food clogs landfills and produces methane, a harmful greenhouse gas.

Do you find yourself throwing out food in your fridge because you didn’t eat it before it was good? Simply knowing where to store your food in the refrigerator can make a huge difference in increasing the shelf life.

Check out our guide on how to organize your fridge to ensure your food keeps longer.

Refrigerator Organization Infographic