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5 Habits to Remain Clutter Free

It may seem like a matter of having a clean or messy home, but did you know that having too much clutter in your home can actually affect your health?

Clutter can become the source of stress, reduce your mental focus, and even make you sad.

Physically, clutter can collect dust, animal dander, and mold… which are bad for anyone, but are especially bad if anyone in your home has allergies or asthma. Plus, if it gets too out of hand, clutter can be a fire hazard.

With all of this in mind, we want to help you get ahead of a clutter problem. All you need to do is add these five habits into your routine.

  1. Make sure everything has a place where it belongs or is put away.
  2. Sort through your mail, takeout menus, or any other papers you bring in the home right when you bring them inside to avoid piles of paper.
  3. Purge often. Use the Marie Kondo method. If an item brings you joy or happiness, keep it. Otherwise, it’s time to go.
  4. Donate toys and books before the holidays or your kids’ birthdays to make room for the new gifts they’ll receive.
  5. Every now and again, you may need to do a clutter overhaul. You’ll know it’s time when you feel stressed or frustrated when looking around your home. Grab a laundry basket and go room to room picking up everything that is out of place. Then, sort through it and decide what gets put away, donated, or trashed.

Once you’ve removed the clutter from your home, you’ll want it to be even cleaner! Visit the professionals at The Cleaning Authority today for a free price estimate.