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Tips to Switch Over Your Wardrobe for Fall

Just like that, summer is gone. It’s time to trade in those shorts and tank tops for pants and long sleeves. Switching your closet from spring and summer clothes to fall and winter can seem like a daunting task, but we have some tips to help make it easier.

Donate: As you pack up your clothes, take some time to evaluate how many times you wore each item during the summer. Is it something you’d actually like to keep?

Don’t Forget to Layer: Often a dress or top you wear in the summer can make it through the fall and winter months with the addition of tights or leggings and a sweater or jacket.

Get Vacuum Seal Bags: Running out of storage space to keep those sundresses? Vacuum seal bags are an easy place to store your clothes without taking up too much room.

Organizing Kids Clothes: For growing children, you know next spring will mean a whole new wardrobe. If you have more than one kid, or are planning to have more, keep their clothes in a bin labeled with the season and size. This will make them easier to find when the next kid is that size.

Don’t Just Organize the Clothes: Work through your shoes too. Put the flip flops and open toed heels in storage and replace them with your boots to keep your closet better organized.

Once your closet is in order, you might find you want the whole house to follow suit. Visit The Cleaning Authority to find the location nearest to you, get a free online estimate, and book an in-home estimate to help the rest of your house stay clean.